electronic analog computer造句
- In the history of electronic analog computers, there were some special high-speed types.
- To provide automatic target tracking, the Bell Telephone Laboratories ( BTL ) developed an electronic analog computer containing 160 vacuum tubes.
- Running an electronic analog computer, assuming a satisfactory setup, started with the computer held with some variables fixed at their initial values.
- Experienced users of electronic analog computers said that they offered a comparatively intimate control and understanding of the problem, relative to digital simulations.
- Electronic analog computers used them in quantity for setting coefficients, and delayed-sweep oscilloscopes of recent decades included one on their panels.
- It's difficult to find electronic analog computer in a sentence. 用electronic analog computer造句挺难的
- Her grandfather, Helmut Hoelzer invented the first fully electronic analog computer and was a member of the Wernher von Braun Operation Paperclip team.
- Integrating with respect to another variable is the nearly exclusive province of mechanical analog integrators; it is almost never done in electronic analog computers.
- Typical electronic analog computers contain anywhere from a few to a hundred or more operational amplifiers ( " op amps " ), named because they perform mathematical operations.
- Analog ( audio ) synthesizers can also be viewed as a form of analog computer, and their technology was originally based in part on electronic analog computer technology.
- Output from the gun-laying radar was fed to the M-9 director, an electronic analog computer developed at Bell Laboratories to calculate the lead and elevation corrections for the guns.
- Voltage control in analog music synthesizers is similar in principle to how voltage is used in electronic analog computers, in which voltage is a scaled analog of a quantity that is part of the computation.
- He designed, developed and constructed, in 1953, India's first indigenous computer ( an electronic analog computer ) at the Indian Statistical Institute ( ISI ), Calcutta ( presently Kolkata ) . Research Professor and Director.
- The fire control algorithm implementation of his artillery design research and his extensive work with feedback amplifiers advanced the state of the art in computational methods and led to the eventual development of the electronic analog computer, the operational amplifier based alternative of today's digital computers.
- Before digital music synthesizers became common, at least some analog synthesizers ( such as the ARP 2600 ) used analog multipliers for this purpose; they were closely related to those used in electronic analog computers . ( The " ring modulator " in the ARP 2600 could multiply control voltages; it could work at DC .)